Xstitch Krazee

Thursday, October 22, 2009


dear friend...

still no new xs project but wish to start another soon.....opss i have not visit H& W to collect my framed PV project....eiii so tak sabar nak tengok what it is going to look like.....hope it is nice and worth the price and of course worth the time, energy taken to finish that work.....

nowadays been reading Chick Lit books one after another, Cecilia Ahern, Sophie Kinsella, Fiona Walker, Marian Keyes, Shella O' Flanagan, mmmm.....who else?....keep getting new ones eventhough tak habis lagi baca yang dah beli sebelum tu...ish ish ishh...;)

ok...that's all for now....


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I am back....................

Dear all....

not too late though to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all or should i wish Happy Deepavali now since there will be 3 more days before the Festival of Light....

whattt...1 september 2008 my last post on this poor blog....hehehe..so terrible......since coming back to Malaysia a year ago, memang tak pernah langsung update blog ku ini..kesiannyeee.....lagipun no new project on xs...butwanna tell u something....i've finished with my first ever Paula Vaughn project before Hari Raya and dah pun send for framing kat Haby & Wool....so yesterday got a call from H&W and was informed that the frame is ready for collection.....no idea how much it will cost me..definitely more than rm100 and already paid rm50 deposit....probably will collect the 'precious' this weekend..i hope so....emmm but i got Raya Gathering with my ex-schoolmate this weekend...but never mind......itu bisa di atur......heheheh...will try to post a pic of my PV project here...(i won't dare to commit this but i'll try...hahahah)

ok...see u....

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

end of summer...

hello all....

don't ask me where i've been 'missing' for the last emm, 3,4 5 months?...heheh....no update at all...teribble terrible teribble.....nasib baik tak ada missing person report...hehehe

i'm still here but not really in mood for blogging for quite some time...malasssss......so teruk la me...hihihi...

have only less than 2 months in UK before going back to 'tanahair tercinta'....emmm...mix feelings sad+happy+excited+boring+etc etc etc

by the way, some updates on my family is available at our FP http://fareeha.fotopages.com/ ini pun hubby yg update after dipaksa oleh wifey...hihihi...tak paksa la..acah je..volunteer....

balik nanti boleh le i continue my stitching activity eventhough takleh 100% concentrate sbb kerja kerja kerja....emmm bosannye nak masuk opissss....

ok friends....bye for now....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Lamenyee tak update blog....kesian kat blog ni....nampaknya, mmg betulle, once a month je update....so now is for March, tp nak sumbat story yg bulan Feb jugak....kekekek.....
Assignment makin menjadi-jadi tapi Tuhan je yang tau betapa malasnyeee nak menyiapkannye.....kenapa ye....emm.....entahle....hopefully everything will be fine....

In early February, again, joined the Uni-trip and this time to Liverpool and among the places of interests are Albert Dock, and Beatles Gallery...alaaa.....group omputih dolu2 yg. glamer tu....heheh tp tak masuk pun, org ramai que n admission fee lagi so, snap gambar je la....kat Liverpool mmg famous dgn history kapal2 so kat Albert Dock tu pun one of the famous ports....and kat situ ada museum for all those historical events involved with ships for example, Titanic, mmg all the original brg2, manuscripts, etc ada kat museum tu....cantik.....

Then end of February, we managed to get a flight ticket for 1 PENCE to Dublin, Ireland...caya tak....1 pence only, but plus with 6pounds tax for each so only 18.06pounds for my family....we stayed in Dublin for 2 nites and Dublin city is a very superb, havoc place....cantik........and human statues are all over the places.....

And just 2 weeks ago, we went to Blackpool in Lanchisre and kat sini the famous attraction is Pleasure Beach, ie theme park.....sejuk2 pun, still continue main2 kat situ as we paid for the unlimited rides wristband for 11pounds each, which was already heavily discounted from 30+pounds the original price.....
Till next entry......bye...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Snow + Manchester

Hello out there…..

My first entry in February 2008……(or will this be the only post in February 2008….hahahahaha)

Nothing much to update nowadays…as usual pergi kelas balik kelas, and always lucky because tak frozen and tak pernah tersungkur ke bumi sbb kena tiup dek angin yang amat lah kuatnya….kalau tidak….me dah gone with the wind daaaa…..kekekek.
Kalau angin bertiup, punya lah sejuk esp. part muka, so tu yang rasa time tu nak pakai purdah je….tinggal mata je 2 bijik…heheheh

The most interesting thing I wanna share here is, last Saturday 2nd Feb, we went out to Manchester around 7am, and few minutes later, akhirnya snow turun jugak, eventhough tak tebal, so that was the second time we have snow …okle kan….at least sempat jugak le we all merasa snow, especially my DD, she was very excited to play around, tapi not for long sbb hujung kaki dah rasa sakit2 because it’s too cold for us…

Then, around 9.15am, we reached Manchester, and guess what, I finally succeed to go to Stitch and Creative Craft Shows, an event held at Manchester Central from 1 to 3rd Feb. 2008. Rasa macam tak caye je, akhirnya berjaya jugak sampai ke expo yang happening macam ni. The rest of the shows are in London, Surrey, Birmingham, etc, so I’ve chosen to go to the one yg. kat Manchester because tak jauh sangat from my place, about 1.5hour.

The ticket was 7pounds per adult but since dah beli awal through online and using the promotion code yg. biasanya diorng inform dekat magazine like Crossstitcher, etc, so dapat le 5pounds, then at the same time, we got Free Book Voucher. Just imagine, craft books eg. by David Charles, yang price mahal kat Malaysia but around 17pounds kat UK, diorng boleh bagi FREE aje, but only limited, abt. 4 titles je available but, doesn’t matter la kan, coz bukan senang nak dapat buku hard cover free macam tu…..

Bila masuk je kat dalam tu, rasa cam nak meroyan tengok all those booths, for cross stitch, the booths are tak sebanyak other type of crafts eg. scrap book, decoupage, card craft, knitting, quilting etc etc….DH and DD pulak tak larat nak escort lama-lama so asked them to lepak2 and makan bekal bawak nasi goreng…heheh……

Just bought few things, coz terpaksa gak control myself…kalau tidak, rasa nak cekup je bebyk….heheh….pastu antara yang syoknya tengok is charms ie metal charms…..kat KL pun rasanya ada jual kat Yee je tp tu pun tak byk kan….

Wish to snap more pics during the event tapi not allowed sbb dirong cakap copyrights la etc etc, yang sempat snap
tu curi2 je…heheh…

Friday, January 25, 2008


Salam 2008 utk semua......hehhe..sorry la....dah nak masuk February dah pun...kikikkik

My first posting in 2008.......ingat dah tak berupdate sampai bila2 dah blog ni...kesian kat blog ni kan kan kan........

Exam dah baih, then terus start 2nd sem. tapi, this sem. class giler packed....everyday morning, afternoon......huhuhuhuh......bila la sempat nak g jalan2 kat sini.....tensi laaa....

Now it still winter but snow tak turun2 pun, just got a bit of snowing on last 3 January, and kebetulan pulak hari yang sama we went to Leeds.......the first snow in our life....me, hubby n DD......hehehehhe....tapi tu pun nipis aje....mmg local people said kat sini, kalau snow pun tak tebal, but at least sempat jugak le kitorng experience main snow ni......