Don't know what's happening to Blogger.....coz last nite, dah post 1 new posting but it has 'dissappeared' and also tried to upload pics...but failed!!!
Today, again cuba upload pics..this time, pics got uploaded BUT the quality are very very bad once they are inside Blogger...... then later, tried again, baru ok....ishhh....
So i need to start again.....
Yesteday, managed to go to Haby n Wool....Jenny said she will open at 11.30 am so while waiting, bought a few things at other shop. Then after 12o'clock, baru as usual, mesti nak cuci mata tengok semua barang kat kedai tu....i won't get bored to see all those flosses, books, charts, etc etc etc.....
Was planning to see some evenweave fabrics but finally i ended up with aida 16 &18 and just before i paid, accidently came accross a pre-cut evenweave ie DMC Unifil 25ct (as in H&W they only have evenweave Unifil 25ct)...with only small piece of fabric and it was just fine for me as a beginner who wants to start on 'other-than-aida' fabric.....hehhe..far far away, left behind from my other stitcher friends....ekekekekek...but, nevermind......everybody is a first-timer, right....
So, this is what i've got from Haby & Wool.....